
Analytics articles

Marketing analytics is the backbone of digital marketing: uncover and organize data to find out more about audiences, evaluate the efficacy of efforts, identify opportunities for improvement, and inform an overall strategy. Explore our resources and tools to become a better data-driven marketer.

pie charts, map graphs, and bar charts

Six Great Google Analytics Dashboards

I’m leading the Denver Google Analytics Meetup tonight, and we’re going to be talking about dashboards. Sharing a summary here for the Meetup, and anyone else who wants to get started with dashboards. At the bottom of the post there are links to some great template dashboards, free for download in the Google Analytics Solutions

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google tag manager event tracking

Google Tag Manager Event Tracking Cheat Sheet

I’m presenting at the Denver Google Analytics Meetup tonight, and put together this cheat sheet on setting up Google Analytics event tracking in Google Tag Manager. Here’s a PDF version, and the image below links to a PNG version. 

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screenshot of some html script code

Google Tag Manager and Duplicate Google Analytics Tags

If you work with Google Analytics (GA), Google Tag Manager (GTM), and have lots of clients, you have probably run into this problem: you manage tags with GTM, but the client has the Google Analytics PageView tag placed directly on a subset of site pages. This problem is especially common on sites that span multiple

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google analytics events cheat sheet

Google Analytics Events Cheat Sheet

I’m presenting at the Denver Google Analytics Meetup tonight, and put together this cheat sheet on Google Analytics Events. Here’s a PDF version. Hat tip to Lunametrics for helpful scripts and being generally awesome.

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old fashioned open sign

Advanced Reporting & Automation for Google Shopping

Using the Google Merchant Center API, Supermetrics & More By Nico Brooks & Maggie Castle It doesn’t take much to upend a Google Merchant Center (GMC) account.  A single recalled product in a feed of thousands could suspend an entire feed.  Discrepancies in shipping costs, lost site verification, or expired feeds are also common culprits.

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