I’m going to write something down here to try and cement it into my brain:
troubleshooting rule #1: don’t assume anything is working correctly
I’ve learned this rule the hard way, and unfortunately I’ve had to learn it more than once. My latest lesson was recently, when I was troubleshooting why hidden form values weren’t getting passed from a parent page to an iframe. Specifically, I was trying to get the GA4 Client ID appended to form submits, so we could import CRM qualified lead data back into GA4.
The client ID was getting appended about a third of the time, and I couldn’t figure out why. I was using the JavaScript postMessage() method to send the value, and it worked every time for me in testing. It’s always hard to troubleshoot when you aren’t able to replicate the problem, but I went through a laundry list of postMessage() gotchas in hopes that I would happen upon the solution.
It turns out, I was trying to solve the wrong problem. I was using Google Tag Manager to place the postMessage() code, and I didn’t think to verify that Google Tag Manager was functioning properly. When I finally did check, it was not. Cookie consent had been implemented in such a way that Tag Manager would not load at all if a user had not consented, and the default consent state was set to ‘denied’. Unless a consent banner forces a choice, a majority of visitors will close it without making a selection or ignore it altogether, so Tag Manager was not loading for most users. I had previously accepted cookies, which is why my code worked for me when I tested.
If I had started with rule #1 and tested the foundations of tracking first, I would have saved myself a lot of time and agony. Next time, hopefully.
There have been quite a few GA4 updates released this month, but IMO each is relevant to a smallish subset of GA4 users so I’m not going to dedicate much space to them here. Here is the list, in case any pique your interest:
This is a mundane-sounding update, but it’s actually really handy. You can now make all report filters visible to Looker Studio dashboard viewers. I’m not sure how many dashboard viewers will actually make use of this feature, but the interface makes it much easier for power users to see and troubleshoot where filters are applied and how they are configured.
My friend Noah recorded this helpful, short video walkthrough of the feature.
I got a little frustrated with a lawyer last week over a privacy requirement. Shame on me for getting emotional – he was just interpreting the CCPA/CPRA as he understood it. And also shame on me for trying to apply logic and reason to privacy regulations. Without getting too specific, the situation in question involved a tracking script provided by a vendor that locates visitors by doing lookups on IP addresses. From his point of view this fell under the ‘Do Not Sell’ requirements of CPRA, and in particular he wanted to make sure a user’s historical data would be expunged if they select ‘Do Not Sell’. I still have no idea how this would actually work, but that’s not the point. Over 20 US states have internet privacy laws on the books, written in legal jargon and enacted by people with varying degrees of competency. Trying to apply logic and reason to how they work is a fool’s errand.
For example, I naively thought that “do not sell” meant do not sell, but the legal definition of “sell” in this case doesn’t require money to change hands. If you receive something of value in exchange for personal data, that constitutes a sale. I’d better stop before explaining what “personal data” is under CCPA/CPRA, because, well, I’m not a lawyer.
If you, like me, find privacy laws overwhelming, I have a few suggestions.
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Nico loves marketing analytics, running, and analytics about running. He's Two Octobers' Head of Analytics, and loves teaching. Learn more about Nico or read more blogs he has written.
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